✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Peace to you, children of my peace. Continue with your prayers to illuminate the way for so many of your brethren, who live perennially in darkness. So many, too many, of my children have lost the way that leads to my Son Jesus.
You, my little remnant, do not surrender to the perverse movements of the ancient serpent. I count on you, my little remnant. Do not let yourselves be done in by discomfort, because the awful things that are coming upon the earth will pass away and in heaven you will no longer remember all the sad and negative days.
Bring to me so many of my children who think only about satisfying the mortal part and forget the most important part, that which is spiritual. Remember that my Son will console you and reward with his love all his beloved children who have respected and followed his Divine Will.
Draw up often to the divine banquet. Feed on the Body and Blood of Jesus, because there will come times when you will no longer be able to draw close to Holy Communion. I am with you and will help you to fulfill the will of God.
A mother cannot abandon her children in a moment of need. I am near you more than ever and will not let Satan tempt you more that you can resist him.
Continue with your good example to do good works, console those who are in suffering, bring joy where there is sorrow, remind your brethren that I am in their midst, above all in moments more difficult to overcome.
I bless you, I defend you, and I protect you. Hope always in days more stupendous, more precious than fine gold, when you will see closely the face of Jesus.
Mary, Mother and Mistress