✞ Luisa of the Passion of the Tabernacle’
It is I, dear daughter, your Jesus who has chosen the Crucifixion to save your souls. Believe me, my daughter, my heart suffers like never before. My Mother weeps for you, for all the evil that is happening on earth.
Dear children, I tell all of you, help me with prayer, with sacrifices, with offerings, otherwise so many of your brethren will not see the Light.
So many are the signs that I send you, but neither with gifts nor with calamities do many of you want to understand. I am sorry for you, poor children of mine, who love Me and my Father, but, unfortunately, soon you must give an account for all your works.
Seek to give good example to those around you. Make your brethren understand that their behavior will render all their life vain. Those who sow discord can do nothing but reap the pains of hell.
My word speaks clearly: you are either with Me or against Me. There are no other ways. Prepare for yourselves a place now, while you have the possibility, otherwise it could be too late.
I have taught you that only with love can you obtain eternal life. The rest is of the devil. Pray, dear children: the times that are coming will not be the best. Decide for holiness.
I follow you at every step, but you succeed in loosening yourselves and taking the wrong roads. Listen and meditate upon my Word, otherwise your living will have been in vain. Do not seek escapes, because you will have to render an account for all that you have said and done.
Believe in Me and you will be saved. Pray and have others pray. Only thus will you understand my Word for you. I bless you.
Jesus, Your Brother Love