✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
My dearest children, today my cenacle is turned in the spirit to my Son. Remember that without Him you are like sheep without a shepherd. I bring you to Him and desire that your prayers flow from the heart.
You know it well: to give glory to the Creator, prayer must be fruit that is born from the heart. Be always more aware that the empty word does not bear fruit. I am near you above all to teach you this way of prayer.
Listen to what is not of this world if you want to conquer heaven. If you believe, you will see the glory of God and all the saints will make a feast at your return to the Father. What use will be living a few days on earth in the most unrestrained joy just to lose, then, eternal life?
In this moment you are like crazy persons, each of you thinks about diversions that can fill the void that encircles your life. Poor children of mine, raise your eyes to heaven and then you will account for your limits.
I want all of you with me. Do not disappoint my expectations. Your earth is rejecting all the evil it has had to receive from the human race and, therefore, how do you expect to provide for putting everything back in its proper place?
If your knees do not bend to the will of God, you can no longer have eternal salvation, eternal life. My cenacles will serve precisely in recovering what you have lost through your egotism.
Pray, my dear children, and I promise you that you will recover all that you have lost. Be always ready to offer good intentions. Be coherent in the faith. Travel down the straight road with the certitude that only thus can you reach life, true life, that which is eternal. I bless you. Listen to my voice.
Mary, Sent by the Son