✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
My dear children, I thank you for your presence in my Cenacle. I am happy because prayer is your first thought. Remember that satisfying the Spirit in your heart will always be your joy.
Do not worry about this virus. It will run its course with or without your worrying about it. Believe me, I will not leave you for even a moment. I need you and I want you active and responding to my counsels.
Be strong. Bear witness to the fact that, believing in your Father and in the care that He has for you, all will pass by. It is good that man begins to think about death. Only in this way, that is, in a trial that seems unbeatable to him, will he decide to change his life.
He will understand that, for him, not all is possible and that life is not totally in his hands. This is the moment of beginning to think about death and to understand that it is not just for others, but that it could touch him in this moment. Even he might have to close his eyes for ever, never to open them again.
There, my children, this “never again” will make each of you reflect, little and great, young and old, rich and poor. There, my such beloved children, now touch and open the eyes and the heart of many of your brethren, who are living these days in terror of being infected.
Death must not conjure up all this fear, because your God has created you for eternal life. I tell you life, that which is true, that which death will know no more, never again.
I bless you. Be calm; you will never be abandoned by God.
Mary, Most Holy Joy and Love