✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
My such beloved children, I implore you, begin to take your life seriously. I do not know what more I can do to make you understand that you are crucifying my Son a second time, but with greater wickedness on the part of most of you.
How is it that you do not understand that with wickedness you will go nowhere? Heaven is drawing farther away for so many men and women who no longer have a way to follow with their own heart.
They follow the current, unaware of where they are going. My children, pray, because only by following my teachings will you find the true road again. You no longer find the time for Jesus or Me.
What sorrow it is, dear children, to see you veering, because you choose roads totally different than those that lead to God. Pray to shorten these times that lead you only further from salvation.
But do you not understand that hell will be eternal? We love you, but few of you turn to Jesus and Mary to ask and to have true help. The world will not give you what you need for salvation.
Return to the house of God. Receive Jesus in your heart to have that help that you have lost by refusing to welcome Jesus often. Do you feel satiated and happy at your dinner? So it is for you when you fast to receive the Holy Eucharist in your heart.
I implore you, seek to nourish yourselves with true Food and I assure you that you will have no more hunger. Time is drawing near. Profit from my teaching.
I bless you, I pray for you, and I intercede for you.
Mary, Mother of the Church