Mary, Queen of Peace

By Valeria Copponi

November 4, 2020

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My children, if you have faith in the grace of my Son, you must not fear any sickness. Do not make up useless dramas, but entrust yourselves totally to God. Dear children, I repeat this to you totally, so that you might live in the serenity of faith.

Only by believing in God can you overcome the times in which you are living. Unfortunately, man wants to overcome what his Lord has fulfilled for his children, for their living, for their health, for their true necessity.

I, your Mother, pray you to entrust those dear to you to Jesus. My Son cannot disappoint those who love him. I pray you, do not believe the word of men, but throw yourselves into the arms of God. Only with his help can you overcome all the evils that Satan is pouring around each of you.

Believe me, only by returning to loving and obeying your God can you live in serenity of spirit. Too many of you think you make the right decisions, but often it is only a disappointment and a waste of time.

Far from God and from his Word you cannot walk on the right road, because the ancient serpent, with his trickery, leads you astray without your being aware of it. Feed on the Body of Christ and you will be saved.

With Him you cannot fear, because the devil has already been conquered in the same moment in which you are consciously victors, enjoying the sonship of a God One and Three.

I bless you. Let my pure love fill you with serenity.

Mary, Queen of Peace