✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
My daughter, it is I, Mary of Sorrows. How could I be happy in these times, when my children are suffering incredibly! Never, as in these times, am I close to you, but for each of you there are great trials to overcome.
Pray and do not let yourselves be intimidated by all this. Think that, at the end of the tribulations, you will have uncontainable joy.
Fight this battle as true heroes, as true sons of God, and all will end in your favor. We will never abandon you, but continue to believe in the unique love of God and walk along the way that He himself will show you moment by moment.
You know very well that he will lead you close to Himself for ever. And who Is like God? Be strong, pray, and offer up your trials because exactly vengeance for trials will bring you to eternal joy.
I never leave you, but entrust to me your families, all the Church, and the whole world. Think only on doing good and every trial will become easier to overcome.
The world is turning upside down. That which is good and beautiful becomes impossible and unlivable, but I am always with you and will not allow that any harm come to you more than you can handle. Jesus, now more than ever, is close to you. He loves you and precisely through his passion that He himself has suffered he will not allow that any harm come to you more than you can confront and handle.
I am near you. Entrust yourselves to Me with all your heart and you will have the strength that I, myself, had in the moment of the Cross. I bless you, I love you, and I will give you the strength that you need.
Your Sorrowful Mother