Mary, Help of Christians

By Valeria Copponi

September 23, 2020

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My such beloved children, all that you are living through is the fruit of your humanity. If you thought a little with the spiritual part that is in you, all, suddenly, would change.

Pray for all your brethren who are far from God. For them, there are being prepared days of insurmountable pains. For you who have faith in my Son, all will be less difficult, more bearable.

With my prayers I will help you in the most difficult moments, but understand well that, without the help of God, life will become a hell. Pray for the church put to hard trial, for your priests, and for all those Christians who believe more in the things of the world than in God, the absolute master of all things.

Your world has been destroyed by Satan and do you know why? Because you have allowed him to by turning away from my Son who, for you, has offered his life on the Cross.

Dear children, began to think with the heart. Without mutual love, you block true life.

You no longer experience any joy. Your life becomes harder every day, and yet you still do not understand that all these negativities, you permit them with your wicked example, living out your existence as if life depended, exclusively, on your sick minds.

With there being no more love, you do not allow God to take care of you. My dear children, you who still believe in God, offer yourselves for your non-believing brethren. Pray incessantly for them and the Father might still be able to open their hearts.

Love and pray. I bless you with the Love of God.

Mary, Help of Christians