✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
My dear children, you need my powerful blessing. I, Jesus the Christ, bless you: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with all of you, with your families, and upon all my children who follow my Word.
My children, how many Judases are on your earth. I suffer infinitely; for this reason, I need you, your offerings, your prayers that come from the heart.
But how do you not understand that Easter is truly near? You are leading me to the Cross and I suffer immensely. I love you, dear children. Pray for all my children who do not believe, such that I may give them time for conversion and they might ask pardon for all their sins.
The Via Crucis for me is growing every day longer and more sorrowful. Hell is every day gathering more sinners, who are howling for the pains that they are beginning to undergo.
Dear children, make it such that many children, in these last days, be able to repent and ask you and other Christians to enter in and take part in your Church and mine: Catholic, apostolic, and Roman. Faith means only one thing, to follow my commandments.
I ask you to bring the many children who are far away back to my Church. Satan is making too many victims, all obedient to his false promises. Poor children of mine, time is running swiftly. Do not lose it following false promises and false adorers.
Riches bring one far from humility, charity, and all the less to my holy obedience. I love you. All of you are under my protection.
Jesus, Suffering but Victorious