✞ What victim means.
My daughter, your Lent has passed. Perhaps it seemed longer than ever, but what do you want? Do you want to rejoice? Holy Easter has pass by for you but my Cross still remains before you, lest you forget my tribulation.
Perhaps you have not yet understood that my suffering for you has not yet passed. Rather, these times are a weight upon my shoulders greater than what I carried on the way to Calvary.
Dear children, continue to offer me your sufferings. I need them to save many souls from the fires of hell. Pray, keep doing penance, offer me prayers, so that I can show to the Father your good faith.
My Mother has not yet finished suffering for you. She, the Queen, has made herself small and poor to help me save many souls of yours from hell.
Perhaps you are not yet aware of the danger through which you are passing, not for your body, but for your spiritual life, your eternal life. Help me to save many brethren of yours who run the risk of spending eternity among the flames.
Believe me, I do not want to frighten you, but I want to lead you into my kingdom, which is a kingdom of peace, of love, and of eternal happiness. Dear children, be happy to be helpful to me; do not turn away from this.
Pray and make others pray, because this pandemic will not save many souls without your prayers. I believe in you; for this reason I invite you to help me in this moment. I bless you. Bring my blessing wherever you go. I will give you a hundredfold.
Peace to you.
Jesus, the Savior