✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
My dearest little children, I have gathered you here so that you when your times reach their fulfillment you would be able to testify that all the words that I have given you are authentic. My children, I am she who will crush the head of the ancient serpent, [1] and thus everything will be fulfilled in glory. You should not be afraid of everything that seems negative in your eyes, for Jesus uses all means to reach the last of His children. You are my beloveds: I know that I can still count on you and that, without any fear, you will bring to completion what I suggest to you. Listen and speak to your brothers and sisters through my messages without taking away from or adding anything to my words. Jesus will still use me; I can reach you like every mother, my children, in the certainty that you will put my suggestions into action.
Do not believe the negative things that are being said; their only use is to bring you into line — Jesus is the One who will bring all his children into line, and then He will give to all the prize or eternal punishment according to their merits. Let this be clear: do not misunderstand me, because then you will not be able to blame anyone else for your errors. Pray, my little children; I am here to listen to all your requests and to present them to God’s Holy Spirit.
I am she who will crush the head of the ancient serpent, and he will be destroyed for eternity. Little children, seek to merit the prize that will lead you to enjoy a blessed eternity beside us. I bless you and give you my maternal embrace. Your most beloved Mother.