Mary, True Love

By Valeria Copponi

January 13, 2021

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Message from Our Lady

Your sweet Mother is with you. I cannot stay far from my beloved children. Be always united in prayer and all wicked thoughts will be far from you.

Have no fear. You know well that these times would come. You must certainly face sorrowful times, but have the certitude that we will always be near you.

The mother is she who gives joy and happiness in the family, but she is also capable of helping when her dear ones are navigating through dangerous waters.

Dear children, too many of my children no longer listen to the Word of God, putting themselves in its place, and thus making suffer all those who would follow the footsteps of Jesus.

I intercede for all of you, above all for your brethren who have lost the light of reason. You know well that, far from God, one loses the recognition of all that is good and just.

You will not come very far walking this way, because Satan knows how to delude and then disappoint, since he cannot and does not want to go good to the children of God who respect their Creator.

Be calm, pray, and praise God, who can and wants to give to his children what is more fitting for walking the way that leads to Paradise. Fear and uncertainty come from Satan. You who love God have the gift of serenity and joy, together with the certitude that, in the end, Good will triumph.

Our blessing is always upon you. Continue with prayer and carrying love wherever you go. I enclose you in a single embrace.

Mary, True Love