✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
I am He who Is! Little children, this sentence should suffice to make you reflect. Who among you can say this? Only I Am He who takes away the sins of the world, He who forgives the sins of His own children, He who listens to and knows all your hearts. I lead you because I know the way, I give consolation when My children are anxious, I guide your steps. Whoever turns away from Me is seriously at risk of being lost.
I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life: you cannot live without Me. The death of the spirit is the worst thing that could happen to you. Do not deceive yourselves: only by following in my footsteps can you manage to conquer salvation. Myself, and your Mother, have the possibility to guide and help you so that you would not be lost. She alone has the power to help you and lead you to salvation — she who leads you into the truth and the prudence necessary to walk the right way.[1] Entrust her with all your concerns, your problems, your weaknesses, and you will see that everything will seem easier to you. I entrust you to her Immaculate Heart, above all in these difficult times, but you too should seek to allow her to give direction to your lives. Do not live in fear: with her you are safe, but Satan in his wickedness may interfere in order to take away your peace. I assure you that I am always with you: live in my light and secure for yourselves the joy and serenity that you need in order to live discreetly. Entrust your days to Me and I will not leave you lacking for peace, harmony with your brothers and sisters, and the hope of eternal salvation. I love you and bless you.
My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God. —Our Lady of Fatima to the seers, June 13, 1917
Far from stealing Christ’s thunder, Mary is the lightning that illuminates the Way to Him! 100% devotion to Mary is 100% devotion to Jesus. She does not take away from Christ, but takes you to Him. —Mark Mallett
The Marian Dimension of the Storm
The Triumph — Part I, Part II, Part III
Protestants, Mary, and the Ark of Refuge