✞ Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.
My daughter, you do well to pray with the same words that you have always been taught: saying “do not lead us into temptation” means [in essence] “do not leave us during temptation, but deliver us from evil!” [1] Yes, “deliver us”, because you will always be subject to temptations. Satan lives off “temptations”, otherwise what other weapon could he use to make you submit? Do not worry: I tell you that Jesus, I your Mother, and your guardian angel will not let him tempt you more than you can stand. [2] You should therefore pray, and pray with the certainty that you will have our help at any time in the day. Do not make the mistake of thinking that you can do without our help, but continue trusting in us with all the love that you have for us in your hearts. May prayer never be lacking on your lips: may it be your daily nourishment, and remember that your body can resist for some days without food, but your spirit always needs you to entrust yourselves to us in order to live. Nourish yourselves frequently with the food that satisfies — the Eucharist — and do not worry, we will think of everything else: are we not your parents?
Jesus was in my womb in order to become small and come among you. All be brothers and sisters in Christ: love Him, invoke Him, allow Him always to live next to you. I entrust you to the Heavenly Father who, through Jesus your brother, teaches you the way that leads to His Kingdom. I bless you: continue to pray tirelessly.