✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
My children, never doubt our presence among you. Would a mother leave her children in the hands of evildoers? Well, all the more so, as your parents we cannot leave you on your own even for a moment. These dark times would lead you instantly into darkness were it not for our heavenly presence. Pray more, testify to us wherever you are, speak of the goodness of Jesus who went to the Cross for you without having second thoughts. Little children, would you do the same for your children? Well then, you should be more than certain of our love. We are with you and we often spare you pain and negative thoughts that could lead you to your ruin.
Pray and testify that the Kingdom of God is near. We can no longer stand so much evil on your earth. After all, you are realizing that with wickedness you will not get far. Help your enemies and discern so that you might not be found unprepared at the second coming of Jesus.[1] Then you will no longer be able to choose between good and evil; pay attention, I tell you, or it could be too late. I hear your supplications and I intercede before the Father, but you are too few in number;[2] pray — I cannot lose so many of my children. Offer up your suffering so that your love might succeed in softening so many hard and cold hearts. Your prayers are indispensable. A little while longer and all evil will finish, making way for the good to fill all your emptiness. I bless you, I love you, I want you: soon this joy will be mine.
↑1 | In classical language, the “second coming” is understood as the final coming of Jesus at the end of time. However, Sacred Scripture, the Church Fathers, and many approved and credible private revelations speak of a coming of Christ in power to destroy the Antichrist and establish His Kingdom “on earth as it is in Heaven” before the end of the world. This is, of course, a spiritual climax of all the Sacred Scriptures that speak of God’s triumph to the ends of the earth before the end (c. Matt 24:14). St. Bernard and Benedict XVI both refer to this manifestation of Christ’s presence within the interior of the Church as a “middle coming“. See the Related Reading above. Admittedly, the language is confusing, but the Church Fathers are not to blame, as they clearly elucidated and explained the Book of Revelation as it was handed on to them, in some cases, directly from the Apostle himself. Rather, it has been the overreaction of some to wrongly dismiss any kind of triumphant era as “millenarianism“, thus consigning a “second coming” to the very end of time, which contradicts several texts in Sacred Scripture itself — if that is to be understood as the only intervention in history by the Lord Jesus. |
↑2 | cf. Enough Good Souls |