✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
My dearly beloved little children, ask yourselves, how is it that a mother can love her children with her whole self? I know: it is only with love that you can love your children above all — they are the most visible sign of the fruit of true love in the eyes of all. Remember that Love can only generate love. Jesus alone has demonstrated true and unique love. How? By offering His whole self: His Life. I tell you, if you do not give your lives for Jesus, you have not completely understood what love is.
Begin to forgive those who do harm to you, pray for those brothers and sisters who do not know God’s love as you do. Whoever is not capable of forgiving is not capable of loving. Jesus has taught you by handing himself over to evil-doers; such griefs will also befall you; hatred on your earth is doing damage to love, above all to the love of God. I urge you to forgive offenses received: pray that those who are capable of hatred would come to know the love that comes from forgiveness. My Son knew how to love because He knew how to forgive: be aware of all this.
I love you; I have been able to forgive those who, committing the greatest sin, have destroyed everything that is most valuable in life: Love. Little children, in these times, apply forgiveness at every opportunity that comes to you; think of the death of Jesus, remembering that this death led Him to the resurrection. I want you all to be with me and the Risen Jesus.
Science can contribute greatly to making the world and mankind more human. Yet it can also destroy mankind and the world unless it is steered by forces that lie outside it… It is not science that redeems man: man is redeemed by love. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Spe Salvi, n. 25-26