✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
My dearest little children, you are all here in my prayer cenacle and I expect very much love from you — in words but still, more so, in deeds. You know full well that the times in which you are living are very difficult, but with your prayers you can help many brothers and sisters who are living far from the grace and love of God. Pray, my children, and above all offer up your sacrifices and your sufferings that I, your Mother, know only too well. Jesus my Son is offended in every way, but with your daily offerings, you can help Him. I ask you to stand by one another and forgive those who do harm to you; I tell you that often you only offend each other because you are being tempted. I advise you to pray more, to confess, and to receive the Eucharist every day. You will see positive effects straightaway: firstly, you will no longer feel offended when there is no longer any love or comprehension in your dealings with people. Be humble of heart and if the Eucharistic Jesus is in you, everything will be easier for you.
Dear children, your Church is our church; you can see very well how much she [the Church] is suffering, so I expect from you the cure that heals — you know it well: prayer, fasting, prayer. I am always near to you: see to it that my sufferings are alleviated by your love. My prayer cenacles should burn with love: only then will I and my Jesus be consoled. Save souls with your offerings and your suffering. Only in this way can you give true love to God. I bless you; be my final apostles of peace. Jesus is with you as He was with his first apostles. Peace to you gathered in my cenacle.