✞ The human will serves as brush for Jesus in order to portray His image in the heart.
My such beloved children, my cenacle is full and I expect from you much, much love, in words but all the more in deeds.
You know well that the times you are living through are very difficult, but with your prayer you can help many brethren who live far from the grace and love of God.
Pray, my children, and above all offer your sacrifices and your sufferings, which I, your Mother, know very well. My Son Jesus is offended in every way but you, with your daily offerings, can help him.
I ask you, be close and forgive those who do you wrong. I tell you that often you offend each other only because you are under temptation. I counsel more prayer, confession, and to receive the Eucharist every day.
You will soon see positive effects. First, you will no longer feel offended when, in your encounters, there is no more love and understanding. Be humble of heart and if the Eucharistic Jesus is in you, all will remain easier for you.
Dear children, your Church is our Church. You see well how much she is in suffering. Therefore, I expect from you the care that heals. You know it well: prayer, fasting, prayer.
I am always near you. See to it that my sufferings are alleviated by your love. My cenacles must burn with love. Only then will my Jesus and I be consoled.
Save souls with your offerings and your sufferings. Only in this way can you give God true love. I bless you. Be my last apostles of peace. Jesus is with you like he was with his first apostles.
Peace to you who have come together in my cenacle.
Most Pure Mary of the Rosary