✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
I follow Jesus. Do likewise if you do not want to be seized with fear and unease. Pray fervently; let your praise reach God!
You know full well that the earthly world is temporary, but paradise and hell will never pass away. I counsel you from the depths of my heart, wounded by your sins, to pray day and night, and then the dark days to come will be dark for unbelievers but not for you. I will be with you and you will be with me for all eternity. Pray for unbelievers that they might feel my presence and that of paradise. Do not be afraid: war will come to an end, like all earthly things, but peace will be eternal in duration. With Jesus, neither pain nor wickedness will exist, but only goodness and peace. I say to you: believe, pray, fast – you will not regret it. I am always with you; I hold you by the hand and sustain you in every need. My dearly beloved little children, I will make you feel my nearness in this time as never before. Be calm, turn to your Mother at all times and in every need.
I bless you from heaven and from the depths of my Immaculate Heart.