✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
My dear children, I no longer know how to make you understand that these times in which you are living are the last that you will spend on this tortured earth. Yes, my children, you have treated this dwelling of yours like the last of your duties.
Start now, perhaps, to see the damage you have caused to the earth, which your God has given you with such love. The animals have had more respect than you human beings.
If you lose more time with the things of the world, you will no longer understand anything of the divine, that is, what is of true importance, what God has given you.
Let go of worldliness and begin to pray and renew your purposes in adoring your One and Only God. Dear children, you have forgotten what true love is, by putting in first place the things of the world.
Love your brethren and put in first place those who are neglected because they are poor. You have not yet understood that precisely in doing good for others, God will grant you the first places in his kingdom.
You have destroyed all that God has given you with such love and for your good. Dear children, there remains little time for you to make up for your many errors. Pray and have others pray and Jesus will lead you on the way of justice, that same way that is eternal life.
I bless you. Pray—pray and love.
Mary, Loving Mother