✞ What victim means.
My Son ascended to heaven after all His sufferings; His Father freed Him from all the sufferings that you men were able to bring upon Him. I beg you, repent of all your sins if you want to be reborn in Heaven.
You are going too far with your offences;[1] you do not recognize that He who gave His life for you is your Creator. If you are on this earth, it is only because you have been loved by your Lord, God of the Universe. I pray for you and will continue to do so until the Almighty recalls you to Himself. You do not want to understand that your world is running out of all its joys; you no longer respond to all that God, in His great goodness, has wished to grant you. On earth, you will no longer be able to have the good things that Jesus gave you at the price of His life. By the time you understand how great His love is for you, it will be too late. Pray and offer up your sufferings for your brothers and sisters who do not want to acknowledge the love that my Jesus has for them. The life you are leading no longer corresponds to the love God had intended for you.
Repent, my children, while there is still time: you will no longer be able to do as you please. God, Who created heaven and earth, just as He gave it [the earth] to you, will take it back, and everything will come to an end for you, disobedient children. I pray for you, but you should reconsider and pray for your salvation.
Mary of Sorrows.