✞ The human will serves as brush for Jesus in order to portray His image in the heart.
My such beloved children, pray for my sons, the priests, so that they be examples of life. I follow them all the time and everywhere, but most of them do not let themselves be guided by my Son.
They have become men of weak faith. They think often about the things of the world and do not entrust themselves totally to Jesus Christ, who has had himself crucified for their good and for the example of his priest sons.
Pray for them, that with their personal example they become true “Christians.” The sacrifice of the Cross has become an unspeakable suffering for all, but for my priest sons, it must become the primary example.
My children, if you are able to give your life for your children, give them to Jesus. You will truly be priests of Christ and authentic children of God. Call upon your Mother day and night so that it be easier to imitate her most beloved Son.
In the confessional, be truly worthy of absolving all my children who want to receive Jesus into their hearts. The time is drawing near by leaps and bounds and, then, each of you will have what he merits.
I am with you. Host me in your hearts and you will have the peace and love of my Jesus. Forgive and you will be forgiven. Dedicate your time to forgiveness and true and sincere love for my Son Jesus.
Mary, Mother of Jesus