✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Let your speaking be “yes–yes,” “no–no.” The rest comes from the devil. Never speak insincerely; you know well that gossip brings only separation and suffering.
Pay attention when you open your mouth. Even if you must bear witness, first make a good examination of conscience, a little prayer that Jesus be among you. Then, you can speak even of your friends, of neighbors, of acquaintances, because you are safe hands.
You know well that speaking negatively of brethren will return only sorrow, sorrow, sorrow. Dear children, Jesus preferred the Cross so as not to betray the Father and then all of you.
Take example from Him and peace and serenity will never abandon you again. These times in which you are living, face them always with prayer from the heart. Your guardian angel knows well your needs and will do all to teach you love.
I do not leave you, not even for a moment. Seek to live in purity of heart and of spirit and then you will be able to face all of life’s difficulties, present and future.
With Jesus in your heart, fear will leave you and serenity will accompany you in every situation and in every moment. Pray and have others pray. Only prayer can defeat the ancient serpent.
Do not let yourselves be scared by any difficulty that begins to come more often. Remember that your Heavenly Mother is your guardian of body and of spirit.
I embrace you, bringing you the blessing of Jesus, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Mary, Trinitarian Lady