✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Dear children, may the peace and love of Jesus be with you all. Dear ones, never before have you needed love like you do now.
But tell me: without Us, how will you find it? Our children, up to now, think only about the things of the world, unaware that, far from God, they can never reach the true goal.
If you do not find again the door that leads to Jesus of the Sacrament, you will keep drawing farther from true life.
The Eucharist is the Only food that can feed you, but if you keep drawing farther from Him, you will come to eternal death. Convert, I tell you. Time is drawing close and you will not be able to turn back.
Take care of your life. You know well that there exists only One Food that can feed you, for which, decide to feed yourselves. Otherwise, you will lose the life that is true, eternal life.
The times are coming to completion and in the worst of ways. Do not let your days pass without feeding on Jesus. You see how human life is always difficult; it has become fearful living on this earth, which the Father has created for your joy.
My such dear children, decide to welcome all the good that God has created for you. Do away with destroying your life. Draw near to the Eucharist if you want to live eternally.
I pull you close to Me. Seek not to draw far from my maternal arms, which desire only to lead you into eternal life.
Your True and Only Mother