✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
My children, what more can I say to you? If you do not change your way of speaking and thinking, you will not succeed in solving any of your problems. Start to pray to your Father, but do it from the heart. Know that the prayer that comes from your lips is the power and strength that will allow you to overcome every obstacle. [1] But perhaps you do not understand that only God has the power to change evil for good? My children, kneel and ask for peace among you and in your hearts. These times will become ever darker: the light will disappear and you will remain in the most complete darkness. Choose to change your lives; go back to praying in your empty churches, make adoration before the tabernacle that contains all goodness and the Good which you need. Do not delude yourselves by thinking that you will find peace and love far from Him who is peace and love. I will never leave you; I am near to each one of you, but many of your brothers and sisters are in the dark as to my presence.
My little children, you who are so dear to my heart, pray for all my children who are far from me and do not know that they can only reach God’s heart by praying, [2] with my intercession. [3] Your earthly days are becoming increasingly short, and Satan has truly become the victor over many of you; wake up from this sleep, approach the altar and pray before the tabernacle, God’s earthly temple. I am exhorting you again — but try to follow my footsteps, which will lead you to my Son. I bless you and protect you; do not forget that your days are growing short.