✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Dear children, what more can I do for you… other than speak to you and testify of my love for you? Little children, wake up from this satanic sleep, otherwise, you will be lost forever and Hell will be your final dwelling-place. I have been talking to you for so long: I have pleaded with you, prayed with you, suggested the words with which to pray to Jesus, but you have not listened to my words. Pay attention because it could really be too late for you. Everything that you are doing is only and always for your own poor world, and you do not understand that you will only be able to enjoy true life fully and completely when you finally reach your eternal dwelling. Poor humanity — so far from the truth and the love of God! Convert, I say to you: the times are reaching their conclusion, your world will have to face its end [1] and for you, human beings, children of God, there will come either the prize or eternal pain. Wake up, I repeat to you: pray, pray, pray — only thus will you be able to face the difficult trials that the world will not spare you.
I your Mother have always spoken to you with clarity: you will not be able to say “I did not understand”. You will only be able to surmount the trials to come with the help of Jesus and myself. Wake up, there is no more time for sleeping! I am still with you, but try to merit my final assistance: I do not know how to remind you of this any more. I bless you: open your hearts, your minds and above all your spiritual life. May Jesus be with you now and always.