✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
Here I am again among you, to urge you to walk along the way of life. My such beloved children, these are the days that will lead to God the many souls that will help convince many men and women on earth to change their hearts from being cold and unbelieving to warm and believing.
If you do not begin to do battle on earth for a true conversion, it could then be too late. Jesus loves you and wants to see all his children clean up their own souls.
My dear children, I will still come to you to make you understand how important the cleanness of your souls is. Whoever will not follow the Word of God will lose eternal life. I will continue to come among you, to bring you my Word. But, unfortunately, many of you still turn a deaf ear.
I count so much on you. Help me to bring back to the good road your non-believing brethren, otherwise, it could be too late. Let the Holy Mass become your Daily Bread, and Holy Communion your Strength.
Listen to what I am saying to you and put into practice my counsels, which I am giving you with such maternal love. I bless you, I love you, and I want to bring you to Jesus, in order to enjoy his Heavenly Paradise.
Mary, Mother and Teacher