You will enjoy heavenly things

By Valeria Copponi

January 18, 2023

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Message from "Mary, Infinite Love"

Your Heavenly Mother is here with you. My dear children, I love you so much, above all when you make sacrifices to come find us in our House and receive Jesus into your hearts.

You know very well that the times in which you are living are very difficult because they are leading you toward your earthly life. I would like to console you by saying that you, unfortunately, are not aware that what awaits you is the beginning of true life in heaven.

You will have no more suffering. You will enjoy heavenly things. You will find again all your loved ones who, from the beginning of their life, have done the will of God.

You, my children who are led by hand by your guardian angels, have walked the way that leads to the Father. You have certainly faced obstacles in your path but your guardian angel has not allowed anyone, especially demons, to make you their subjects.

You are our obedient children and your obedience has made it that you walk on the way of heavenly truth. We guide you and allow you to make your own path, a path of true faith.

Continue to love your brethren. Lead them on the way that you, yourselves, are taking in the expectation of your rising to heaven.

We are waiting for you with joy. Pray to the Father, that he allows you to enjoy forever his immense love.

Mary, Infinite Love