✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
I am your Jesus, that Jesus who is blasphemed, remains crucified, and who suffers more now than in ancient times. My children, how will you ever live without God? You do not understand that, for you, it is like dying every day.
You cannot go on much longer this way. My Father has already decided upon your return to life that is eternal and full of joy for all those who believe, and upon eternal punishment for all those who, while knowing the existence of God, avoid him like an intruder.
My dear children, I count so much on you. Help me, in these last times, because I do not want most of my earthly children to go and populate hell.
Pray much for these children of mine who do not believe, because I want all my children in the joy of Paradise. These times of yours are the furthest from the love of my Father and they show no particular hint of changing.
Dear children, give good example to those brethren of yours who do not believe, because the justice of my Father will show no preference to those who do not pray to him and do not call upon him.
Dear children, I love you. Be my children as skillful workers in the vineyard of the Lord. You will be greatly rewarded. I am always near you and will lead you to eternal joy. Pray, pray, and make others pray.
Jesus, Your Consoler