✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
My dear children, I am always with you and carry you in my heart like only your Heavenly Mother can do. You are living through difficult times, but if you entrust yourselves to Us you will have nothing to suffer. Pray and make others pray, because only from heaven can true and powerful help come to you.
I will not abandon you for any reason. Entrust to me your sorrows, your thoughts, your worries, and I will always be ready to help you personally. I know very well that without my help you will not go far.
Pray, rather, for your non-believing brethren, because the truly difficult times will be only for them. Prayers to God, for the times that you must face, will be the true and only consolations for you and for your brethren.
You, my children, who know well the sufferings of the last times, which you must face, be strong in the Spirit and do not grow slack in prayers to God for all those dear to you, in particular those who do not know prayer, the only medicine that will heal the many impure spirits.
You are my obedient children and I count so much on you, who certainly will have a place beside your Jesus, surrounded by all the saints.
I bless you. Be ready.
Mary, Mother and Consoler