✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
My daughter, offer me all your sufferings, moral and physical, and I will give you all my blessings. I need your tribulations of these days in order to forgive the many brethren of yours who offend me in every way and in every moment.
You are in a moment of your life that is very, very difficult. Your unfaithful brethren cannot be counted. Your Mother and I are offended in every way. My children no longer live according to my commandments and for this reason they offend Me and all Creation.
My Father will not go very long before punishing these children.
I count so much on you, my dearest children, who obey my commandments. Continue in your prayers and your offerings and I assure you your eternal arrival in heaven with Me and with your and my Mother.
Pray and have others pray for all my children who are far from the laws of my Father. I suffer for them because I know already the punishments that these disobedient children of mine will bring into the depths of hell for all eternity.
My dearest children, I love you. Pray and console me for all the all the offenses that I am receiving. I love you so much and my Father will reward you the with eternal joy of Paradise. My daughter, I love you for all the sufferings that you are offering me.
Jesus, Infinite Love