✞ The human will serves as brush for Jesus in order to portray His image in the heart.
July 30, 2020
Me: Lord, I’ve been avoiding listen for You. I know I shouldn’t. I just don’t want to hear more bad news. It’s selfish, I know.
Me: How do I repent? What’s repentance even? I keep hearing that word. We are to repent. Go to confession the best we can and repent. Make sacrifices. Pray. Pray. Pray.
Me: Lord? Thank you for all you’ve given me and my family. Thank you for our health and safety when so many are without. Please lift up those in need. Give them hope. And please Mercy for all of us sinners.
Me humming: I love you and you are Mine. (From a song “You Are Mine” by David Haas)
Lord Almighty Father: I will lead you by faith, not sight. You must trust in My ways now, little one. You do not know the way. The world is in woe. This is why you wait to talk to Me. It’s late at night, little child. You should be sleeping. Ah, but you neglected your evening prayers and now are up. How can you stop being weary? Do not wait until so late. This hour is so late. The world too knows this and spews the evil from its mouth. Poison must be cut out or the host will die. So too the world looks to remove the poison from its very depths. Earthquakes and shakes will alert man to the woe of Earth poisoned with so much hate and evil. It hemorrhages on the blood of the Innocents. They call out to Me. They cry out to Me for vengeance.
Lo and behold, the Handmaiden of the Lord! She is the Handmaiden to the world as well. She brings glad tidings of joy for souls who believe. For souls who seek. She has given her “yes” so you may now give your “yes”.
Lo and behold! She comes to call her children. She is not silent and still. She is a mother. She loves all her chidren. How she cries for the lost ones. Won’t you dry her tears? How she cries for her children to know her Son, to know her sweet innocent babe, Jesus. Now she is Mother to all and the Innocents cry out to her and to Me. What am I to do? I love my children but how you make Her weep! How you hurt my Son! Out of love I have allowed My Mercy. Out of love I will allow My Mercy for those who still ask. But few ask. Few seek. And soon the time will pass for Mercy. So few realize I am not just a God of Mercy but also of Justice. People of little faith, you cannot make your own doctrines true. There is no other way but the Way of the Truth. My Son is the Truth. My Son present in the Eucharist is the Truth. My Son suffering still as He is sacrileged and little loved. How the Earth and the creatures cower in fear as my Mercy gives way to my Justice. But the people of the Earth, you act like you do not know. Surely you know devils walk among you now. Possessions are real. Many of your fallen brothers and sisters seek your destruction. They have given themselves over to the enemy. They are wild with hate for you. (I saw a woman screaming and pulling out her own hair.) Do not fear. Remember my Son’s Sacred Heart and My Mother’s Immaculate Heart. Consecrate yourself and your family daily. Remember St. Joseph is the terror of demons. Chaos will be allowed because man doesn’t repent. Man sticks his head in the sand and makes jokes (2020 jokes about the year come to mind) and argues with his brother and doesn’t make time to pray or heed the warnings. (I could feel a fed up feeling.)
Me: Lord, please have mercy on us, even though we do not deserve it. You give us Your Love and we don’t deserve that either. Remember Your Mercy for the sake of your Son on the Cross, Jesus whom I place my trust. My family’s trust. The Earth’s trust. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Please also have mercy on souls in Purgatory and take them to Heaven to be with you. And, dear souls, please pray for us on Earth who have recourse to you. Thank you. Amen.
Lord: Daughter, go in peace. Remember to love and serve. You are to serve Me first. Remember I am a jealous God and want your time with Me. All of my children, how I want your time to be spent with Me. I love you and you are all Mine. Do not become a lost sheep, for I weep for the lost sheep. But the gate must be closed soon.
July 30th-August 2nd, 2020
This isn’t a message, but some things I saw and some dreams I’ve had.
July 30th: I saw the words, “John 6:16.” When I looked it up, I found this is about when Jesus walks on water. Something must be really important here because I received/saw Matthew’s version of this reading just recently too.
August 2nd: Dream #1: I was in a ferry boat and talking to the captain. I said, “For those that believe…there will be a major hurricane in September. (There was a detail about the number fourteen, like it’ll last fourteen hours, but I’m not exactly sure what it was.) In the dream, I pulled out a map of the US East Coast and showed it to the boat captain. There was a yellow highlighted section that extended around Florida and up the whole US East Coast. This was where the hurricane was to hit. I then saw a line of traffic trying to go north to get out of the storm’s path, but it was gridlocked. People were standing outside of their cars even.
DREAM #2: Later in the night I had another dream. It looked like a world leaders press conference of some sort. I could make out Putin on the far right of a table and man with dark, short hair next to him, but I didn’t see his face. There may have been more people at the table, but I couldn’t see them if they were there. The background was all blue. There was a blue flag with white stars behind them too on a stand up pole. I’m not sure if this was all of the flag or there was more folded underneath itself that I couldn’t see. The men had papers in front of them like they were going to sign them. I got the impression it was a supposed to be a peace treaty, but it was a lie.
Later that night: I wasn’t asleep anymore, just in bed asking for more explanation about the hurricane dream. I then saw a person holding a planked wooden sign that said, “whitewash”. It looked like the person may have been at a beach town.
Lastly, I saw a new image: Mother Mary in blue as Our Lady of Grace. Her bare feet were at the edge of a pool of water or river. She bent down and scooped some water with her right hand and put it into a large jug she was holding between her body and her left arm. Then she stood up. She next repeated this whole movement. I think she did this either two or three times total.
August 2nd, 2020
Early morning:
Lord Almighty Father: For people of faith, they will (begin to) see miracles in this time.
I saw Jesus hanging on the Cross. I asked Him to seal us with His Precious Blood and Holy Wounds.
Later morning:
The Gospel reading I heard today as I watched mass on TV was the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. I heard, “Believe, little one, believe.” during this reading.