✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Me: Lord? I’m worried about protection for my brother and his family? Will you protect them please?
Happy Assumption Day! Please tell Mary Happy Assumption Day too. Lots of souls are to go to Heaven today you said. Please out of love for your children and especially out of love for Mary and Jesus, I ask if you’ll take some more souls to Heaven today. Double. Please. Just like you spared the city for the sake of the few (Genesis 18.22-33), please be merciful and take more souls out of Purgatory and into Heaven. Jesus, I trust in You. Lord Almighty God the Father, I trust in You and Your Love. Please do this. Today is a special day! I know my fastings and prayers are weak. Please help me do better.
Lord God Almighty Father: You ask for a lot, dear daughter.
Me: I know, Lord, but I trust in Your Mercy. I know I am obstinate, but I trust in You.
Lord: The souls have to pay to my Justice and be made clean.
Me: I say Three Hail Marys. But You can do anything. Your Mercy endures forever. I saw Jesus on the Cross then, and I offered up drops of His Blood and Water to go to the Souls in Purgatory. I know You can take them. You can make them clean. Think of how Mary will rejoice. Triple. Take triple the souls even. One (group) for each Hail Mary.
Lord: So be it. Give praise and honor to your God. Be bold and remember my Mercy endures forever! Today will be a great day of celebration in Heaven. Little chidren, remember the power of prayer and the kindness of strangers. Follow the leads of the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to guide you in prayer. Offer each day to the Holy Trinity. Consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Sacred Heart of Her beautiful Son, My Pride and Joy to whom I am well pleased, Jesus. How He suffers still.
Me: Yes, when I see Jesus, He’s on a Cross still. Everything is reddish. Blood I guess? How I can’t comfort Him! I can’t even reach Him. (Reciting part of Stabat Mater) At the cross with thee to stay, there with thee to weep and pray is all I ask of You to give.
Lord: Be at the foot of the Cross. The presence of even one little one comforts Him and His Mother’s Sorrowful Heart. You can invite more friends, of course. Two hearts comforts Him more. Three. Triple.
Me: Oh, I see what you’re doing there. You are such a clever God! Yes, please. Anyone who has ears to hear and eyes to see, I please ask of you to go and comfort Jesus at His Cross. Hopefully we can triple His friends there with Him!
Holy Spirit, please guide Me and others to what we should pray at the Cross. My Jesus, thank you. I, we, trust in You and Your Divine Mercy. Have mercy on all of us sinners. My humble Jesus, how I love You. Thank you, Lord. I love You.
*A little later, I heard to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet at the foot of the Cross- imagining you are there with Jesus. Specifically pray for souls in Purgatory. (I think it’d be great to say it three times today, the Feast of the Assumption, for those triple souls.) Then I saw Jesus clothed in red robes with white underneath and holding up a book in His Right Hand. The book had a cross on its cover. Draped over His left arm were two large white cloths of some type, or it could have been the same white cloth doubled over.