✞ What victim means.
You are to act out of love, not fear. You are being attacked by the (evil) spirit of Despair. Give him no power. Have joy in your heart even if your eyes are seeing destruction. Have joy by inviting Me in. I am a Good House Guest. My Temple is your heart. Make it ready and clean. Invite Me daily. Make a good confession if you can. If you cannot, offer up your sins to Me, and I will guide you with whatever reparations I desire.* It is about listening! I Am the Whisper now when the lightning is striking and the thunder booming. Who can hear My voice? Only those who seek peace in their hearts. Blessed be the peacemakers.
Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me, etc… (The St. Frances Prayer/ song comes to me.)
Peace will not be found among men. Alas, even the men of the church cannot offer you peace if they are unwilling to fight against the blasphemies attacking Me. Few of My chosen sons have the courage to endure. They have fallen asleep.
(I feel immense sadness and can see religious men in various positions from standing to laying down covered in dried mud. Some cannot move and some are having a hard time moving because the mud is caked on so thick.)
You are to pray for these (poor religious) men. Who will give you the Food of Life? They are being heavily attacked by the enemy.
How can your prayers do any good? Trust in the Lord your God! (Anger at me for questioning this in my heart. God knows my thoughts without me saying anything of course.)
Sorry, Lord. I am not a very good daughter.
Nonsense. It is not about being good. No one is good except the Father and the Son through the Father and the Holy Spirit with the Father.
You are obstinate, but you will learn. Ask the Holy Spirit for the gifts of wisdom and understanding. Little child, you have much to learn. Why are you not reading the Word?
Sorry, Lord.
Read the Word along with your religious books, not in place of (them). This is how the Holy Spirit will come to you. It is not complicated. I give you (all His children) so many gifts. They sit in front of you. But many walk away and leave them unopened. That is painful for a Father, but especially when I know what gifts you need and what gifts would truly delight your soul. (Sadness).
Oh, Lord, I’m sorry we hurt you so much.
Child, I find comfort in your presence with Me. Now the enemy wants to block your visits with Me and he will (separation from Eucharistic Adoration), which is why it is so important to prepare the temple of your heart. If you can see Me and visit Me (in Eucharistic Adoration), do so for time is short now. I will provide you great strength for the trials ahead. You do not know what you will have to endure. Pray for my priest sons. There is nothing more important for you to do now. They will need refuge soon if not already. Do not judge. That is My job alone. But pray.
Lord, is there anything in particular you want us to pray? I had that dream** that had the Divine Mercy Chaplet and brown rosary beads with my local priest? He won’t even listen to me.
Child, it doesn’t matter (that he won’t listen). He still needs your prayers. You must overcome any feelings of pride. You must be humble and allow Me to work. My ways are not those of man.
Yes, pray the Chaplet. Also pray it for souls in Pergatory who are important allies for you. Many have been forgotten in this time of secularism. Many have no relatives or friends who remember them in prayer. Be their friend. This will help with your loneliness too. Pray the Divine Chaplet as a novena if/when possible.
The brown rosaries (in the dream), did they have St. Benedict medals?
Yes. Keep this medal close to you. It provides protection. The Rosary is a powerful weapon. The Rosary prayer, the Chaplet, the St. Benedict medal…you can see how this weapon (Rosary) becomes stronger like steel recast in fire.
Are there certain words you want us to say for the priests and religious?
Dear Lord by Your Omnipotence and Grace,
Please wash (the mud/soot from) the holy men and women called to Your service. They are under attack from the enemy. Place them in your Sacred Heart and never let them go. I offer up my own prayers and services to assist these holy men and women as they work to serve the one true God. Let them hear the Word of God, speak the Word of God, and be examples of the Word of God. Give them the courage and the guidance needed to persevere in spreading the Word to those in need. Do not let them grow weary in their holy service. Praise God in all His Goodness.
Lord? Is that correct? I’m growing so tired now.
Think of how weary they are who are being attacked so heavily in spirit.
Yes, Lord. Thank you for being patient with me.
That is all, Child. Rest now for the morning will soon be upon you.
*Author’s note: The impression I got here was to make every possible effort to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation as soon as possible. Those who cannot would be those who cannot because it isn’t available to them or they’re really sick, not because it is inconvenient or hard to get.
**My dream involved a church service, but it was odd. There was a group of people singing in the front the church with their backs to the alter. They were clapping their hands and using rain sticks. I was in the right hand side of the pews clapping, swaying and singing along. Then the local priest comes down the aisle on the right side of the pews, holding a cheap, plastic brown rosary in his hand. I then noticed a huge pile of beautiful brown rosaries with wooden beads and golden fixings stacked up on the right hand side of the alter. Several things then bothered me, and I stopped singing and started tring to get the attention of the singing person beside me. The priest was in the wrong place and holding a plastic rosary when there were beautiful ones on the alter, the singing seemed a distraction and the alter was being ignored behind the singers. Also I felt the rosaries were supposed to be given out to the church goers, but they weren’t being offered or distributed. I felt I needed to tell people about those rosaries and that they should use them to say not only the Rosary but the Divine Mercy Chaplet. I also got the sense the golden parts of the rosaries included St. Benedict medals, but I could not see them closely enough to be sure.