✞ One who lives up high in the Divine Will, is not subject to mutations.
Speak, Lord. I love to listen to Your Voice
See, Lord. Here I am. -from Speak, Lord song
Child, why are you still rushing around with your thoughts on Earthly matters? Come, you have more important things to attend to. Have I not called you to prayer? Time is passing away more quickly now. Busy yourself in My vineyards. There are many who need your prayers. Many still do not know Me. Many choose to not know Me still in this late hour. Bring Me what you may. Do not forget your talents. To reflect Me, you must use the gifts you were given. Do not hide them under a bushel barrel/basket. No light can shine forth from under a bushel barrel/basket. My Ways are not complicated. You do not have to be a learned scholar to have wisdom. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and pour forth His gifts. Too few ask. Too many are binded by pride to humble themselves and prostrate before Me properly. Woe to them! Humble yourselves like little children. For the kingdom will be their’s. How little children and those like little children make My Heart sing! Heaven rejoices at these little souls. Is it hard to be simple in love? No, it is easy! Look at Mother Mary and St. Joseph and how they loved Jesus. How is loving your God who is all good and loves you without end difficult? It is human pride that tangles you and turns you and twists you around. This opens you up to the devil’s paths, where you are caught in snares and fall. If this is you, set your Heart on Me and call out to Me. My Light will guide you. The Holy Spirit will guide you. Mother Mary will help you. I long to have all my children here with Me in Heaven when their time comes. For many it comes quickly now. Many will be caught off guard. This is why prayer for these souls is so important. Now! Pray the (Divine Mercy) chaplet, little children. Pray it with your family. Make atonements to My (great/huge) Justice now while there is still Mercy on the Earth. Remember I am always with you; call out My Name. Even when it seems darkness surrounds you and sufficates you with it’s toxicity, I am there. All must come to pass. Do not forget the words of the prophets. Read the Bible and understand the signs of your times. The hour is late and few are willing to see what is before their eyes.
St. John’s words are living among you now. See the seals broken and the plagues mounting. There will be a wailing and gnashing of teeth. Make sure they are not your own or of your kinsman. Few heed My warnings. I am all Good and that requires Justice to balance Mercy. All that has been prophesized is for your benefit, children of the late hour. You must be able to see in order to navigate. Open your eyes to what has already been spoken. Watch out for false prophets who offer earthly promises. You will know Me in my little children who are humble of heart and only seek to glorify Me. Be warned of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Discern carefully through the powerful guidance of the Holy Spirit. Do not rely on yourself. Pray for discernment. Pray frequently and long. Let your heart talk to Mine. Lazy prayer is easily corrupted/hijacked by the devil. Be sincere. You would not be lazy talking to a friend? Then why with Me? Offer Me glory and ask for My help. Too few of my children only seek Me when they in desperate need. But I am here always. Do you only turn to your friend when there is no one else or do you seek your friend in good times too? I am here. Seek Me. I long to hold you in the Palm of My Hand. How little hearts bring Me joy in a world of sorrows! Soon this world will pass away and you will rejoice, little children who are enclosed in the Immaculate Heart and entrusted in the care of the saints and angels. You have been given many friends. Remember to talk and ask them for helps too. We are a family, little ones. You are not abandoned. Do not leave (set our eyes away) and turn your back on Heaven. This is what leads you astray. It is not I that leaves you, but you that leaves Me.
Little children, be at peace. If you find worry in your heart and are in troubled circumstances, know that I am with you and grieve with you. I hold you gently when you cry. You are not alone, even when it seems that way. Look for My signs. Praising Me even in your sorrows will heal your heart more quickly. Look to the Good. Even if evil is binding you, it will not last. My kingdom will come in it’s correct time that only I know. Call out to me, little children. Find comfort in My Heart, where there is the only peace on Earth to be found in these darker growing days. Rejoice! You will know peace! You will know love! Even as others run to and fro and die of fright, you will know no fear, for I am with you. I am and always will be. Praise and glory are Mine forever! May on your lips be a song of praise and thanksgiving! Humble yourselves before your Lord and your God.
Be at peace, little children. I bless you.
Thank you, little one. I bless you. I Am.