✞ What victim means.
Me: Are there any words? I’m sorry I haven’t been present. Again. I’m honestly a bit scared of or a lot scared really of what you might share. I’m a coward, and I haven’t been listening. Please help me have faith. Faith the size of a mustard seed. I don’t even know how big that is because I’ve never seen a mustard seed. Maybe enough to have faith more than fear. Whatever pleases you, dear God. Your will be done. Please let me do better at being your servant.
Me: Lord, please help *****. Protect him and keep him safe.
Lord God Almighty Father: Daughter, do you not know I am with you whether you call out to Me or not? I do not rely on you, little one. I know your are weak. Your ask for faith is good. Pray, pray much more. Converse with Me often, for I am left lonely by this world, by My children. And I am your God. My people will suffer much, but you choose the world and not to be My people. I will not force you. I will allow My mercy still by giving you another chance at refinement. Do not choose the ways of the world if you seek Eternal Life.
Me: Lord, I am tired and losing focus. Help me listen.
Lord: Call on the Holy Spirit. He will guide you.
Me: Holy Spirit, please guide me. Lend me Your Spirit so these words can be Yours and not messed up by me.
This part of a song then came to me:
…call on His name Sing the praise and glory of God. Could the Lord ever leave you? Could the Lord forget His love? …He has not forsaken you (this is a little different than the song)
…call out His Name…(this was added in)
Though the mountains may fall and the hills turn to dust
Yet the love of the Lord will stand
As a shelter for all who will call on His name
Sing the praise and the glory of God.
(Song: Though the Mountains May Fall by Dan Schutte)
Lord: Write, daughter.
Me: I love you, Lord.
Lord: Daughter, you have a duty. You are to be My instrument and write when I instruct. You must keep your heart open and stay in constant prayer. The ways of the world try to steal you away. Do you not realize you are under attack from the enemy? Every distraction, every wish/thought of jealousy or bitterness or loneliness is not of Me.
Lord: How can I be found in these things? I am lonely, this is true. My disciples did not come to Me on the Cross. Will you? Comfort My Heart. But do not let loneliness be what drives you. Share in My sorrows, but you yourself rejoice! For the end is near and I have great reward for those children who remember to call out to Me. Have joy in your heart. Remember your brothers and sisters in Christ.
Me: I love you, Lord. Please always stay with me.
My Note: The very next day I saw a picture of a mustard seed. I didn’t look it up specifically or anything. I think the Lord made sure I saw this. It is very, very small!