✞ Jesus confounds the soul with Love.
Me: Lord, I’m worried about the priests and religious.
Blessed George, please help intercede for them.
All the angels and saints and souls in purgatory, please pray for them.
[St. Michael prayer…]
Lord be with me. Lord be with me. Lord be with me.
Lord are there any words?
Lord God Almighty Father: You call for prayer. You call for battle. The battle is upon you. Pray much. Do not let the rosary leave your side. Little daughter, pray.
Me: Lord, with what words?
Lord God Almighty Father: The Rosary covers on three points like dawn, midday, evening around the body (in an arc). Let it cloak you and your day.
I see three points of light like bright stars around a figure, one to the left, one above and one to the right represnting the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries. Then the Rosary of Light surrounds like a circle or sphere of light.
I sense these words: Clothed with the Light. The Light is the Word. The Word is God. The Story of Christ. The simple Rosary is armor and a weapon of light.
Me: Yesterday I saw a goose, a goat, the side of Jesus on the Cross, and Mary crying, collecting tears in a jar and later pouring this jar out upon the Earth (quickly, in that order). What does this mean? Anything?
I then see Mary and the three points like stars around her. She has Her right arm up, between the first and second point of light and pulls Her arm down, almost like thrusting something to the ground. She repeats this move. I don’t know what it means. She repeats it again. She has a mantle over Her head. It isn’t dark or light out.
I hear these words (not the voice I normally hear): The snakes are in the bush.
Me: ??
I hear these words (not the voice I normally hear): Cry out to your Mother, for the snakes are in the bush. I will lead you to My Son. Pound the bush and drive out the snakes. The snakes are in the bush.
My notes: I don’t know what this means about the snakes. I also don’t know what the goose, etc.. meant earlier. But I know not to spend too much time looking into symbols. Better to spend the time in prayer.