✞ The true spirit of charity in the rich and in priests.
I was awakened and heard the Lord. He said to wake up. To do what I had been called to do. To not be afraid. He said that at least twice. And again to feed His sheep. I also saw 10 and 4. Which could be like 10-4, message received? Or maybe it’s a Bible reference? I’ve been told at different times to read the Gospels of Luke and Matthew and Revelations. I’m not sure.
Note: Upon waking I saw a line of angels. They were standing along a balcony or a ledge. All were wearing white robes. They were very serious. I heard nothing. The front ones had trumpets and those further back had bowls. Ths ones in front with trumpets had already played and were now looking back at the ones further down the line with the large bowls. The bowls were white, maybe marble, and they were as big as a wok. An angel poured a bowl out over the balcony. I want to say the sixth bowl was poured out, but I am not certain. When I saw this scene before months, maybe years ago I don’t remember, I saw no angels with bowls. I only saw the first part of the line of angels with trumpets and one of those trumpets was being sounded.
A little later that day:
Me: Dear God Father Almighty, thank you for this time together. Are there any words? Is what I saw before, is that what I saw? Do I have that right?
Where, oh where are your children?
Lord God Almighty Father: Daughter.
Me: What is this pain Lord?
It’s like a wave of sadness that I feel.
…are you sad, Lord? I’m sorry. I’m here. I know I’m nothing, but maybe the company of a nobody would help? I am your kid after all. Is that enough? I’m sorry I sin and cause you sadness. Help me get to confession soon, please. Guardian angel, please help me and my family with that.
Lord God Almighty Father: This wave of sadness, child, is the loss of focus on Me. Everyone is so busy they forget Me. So few visit. I am lonely. I am mistreated. Man forgets his place at My Feet. My Feet which have bled for you. My feet…
Note: I can’t hear. There is noise around me. Like maybe this is part of His loneliness, that it is so noisy.
Me: Dear Jesus, Lord God Almighty, sorry I’ve been distracted. Lord, I am here. Help me be fully here. Lord, are there any words?
Lord God Almighty Father: Child! Wake up!
The time is near. Awake! Awake from your slumber! Why do you call Me with sleep in your eyes? Didn’t I tell you to be like the wise virgin? You do not know the hour of My return. Children, be at peace. But do not slumber. You are not only My children, but My soldiers. Bring your brethren home with your prayers. Bring your brethren home with your sacrafices. For who will feed My sheep if you will not?
These, these are your brethren. The lost and forgotten. The saddened. The forsaken. The child with no mother. The mother with no daughter. You, daughter, have much. Remember those without. And pray.
Me: Yes, Father. What of the people I saw this morning? Are they real? (I had seen a group of people, they looked like maybe prisoners of war. They were mostly in greens and browns and were behind a large fence.)
Lord God Almighty Father: Daughter, many are the ones with nowhere to go, no home. But they are like Me. For what place did I have to lay My Head? So My children will roam. Some will be in cages. Some are already in cages and do not realize it. Cages are not of Me, little one. I will not take your freedoms. Beware those who will or who call freedom something else. For are you free if you are a slave to sin? Surely not. Your will can bind you in many ways. Be free in My Sacred Heart. Enter it and know freedom, for even if caged in earthly realms, still you can be free through Me. Remember this and do not despair when things come to pass that otherwise would break you. The flesh is weak. Do not despair. Do not become despondent.
You are not alone.
You are not alone.
You are not alone.
Remember the angels and saints. They do want to help you! Ask! Remember them. Yes, they praise Me but you are also their brethren and they want so much for you to join them. The love they send! The love you have and don’t know! How every heartbeat would be a song to Me if you only knew a breath of this love! But it is there! You only have to quiet your heart and listen. The veil is light now.
Ah, My child. Yes, I hear you. How do you get others to hear? It’s not so easy for everyone. That is why there are stories and books of saints’ lives and encounters with My angels to help. And, yes, you prophet, you listen and listen like I have called you so you can speak. I chose you not because you are important. I choose My mouthpieces as I please. And with you I will speak. Believe! Believe, little children. There is little time for indecisiveness. There is none. The time is now to come to Me! Wake up!
Me: St. Anthony, can you help me? St. Teresa the Little Flower, can you help me? St. Anne? St. Joseph? St. Francis? Guardian angel? Help us all please.
“Teach my heart to sing.” -this is from a hymn but I don’t know the name.
I see: Matthew 17:34.
Me: Where are your children?
Lord, was that the sixth bowl in my earlier dream? Does that mean war?
Lord God Almighty Father: Child, you have seen the refugees with nowhere to go, war across the lands, fire and brimstone. Yes, what is written must come to pass. Do not fear but feed My sheep.
Me: Am I to have food ready or something?
Lord God Almighty Father: You know famine is near. It is present already in many souls. Be ready but do not be afraid. Start with your own soul and then others. Salvation comes to those seek it.
I saw Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth, with a gold crown and in all white. She was above the ground in the clouds. She had an oversized white mantle made of what looked like white silk the draped down and became a four pointed tent below her that had open front panels. Inside of it were people of all races and nationalities. Queen Mother Mary looked very serious and earnest and she was gazing out onto a giant field or landscape. I did not hear anything. It looked like she was calling her children from the fields to Her and the tent with Her eyes.
A little later on, I was in landscape in front of Queen Mother Mary, quickly grabbing at the hand of someone near me (don’t know who) and trying to run them up to the tent. It reminded me then of, “the harvest is plentiful, but laborers are few”. It was like a big storm was coming in, and we had to get into the safety of the tent quickly before it started. There were more people spread out in the field idling about. Not everyone knew what was going on, like how a young child might be completely unaware of a danger approaching them and then an adult would have to snatch them up and get them to safety as quickly as possible. The feeling to get to the tent and quickly was urgent.
Upon waking I heard…
Death comes to the nation of America. And then I saw the president.
A few minutes later I saw what I think was the Mexican flag hanging limply. (I don’t think the two are necessarily related.)
Note: With this please pray heavily for discernment. Sometimes messages are not from God and are meant to confuse or scare me. This one I am unsure of because it didn’t say something like pray for America. God is very direct with Me and always tells me things like pray, make use of the Sacraments, etc. But, regardless, please pray for America and Mexico.
I did pray afterwards and ask God later if this above message was from Him, and He didn’t say yes or no.
He said to pray for your nation (I’m American). Its children will grieve.