✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
October 14, 2024
Me: Lord, I haven’t heard you in so long. I am sorry for my many sins and will try to do better. Lord God Almighty, are there any words today?
Lord God Almighty Father: Daughter, calm your heart. Rest now in Me. I am here. I Am. How could I not (be)?
Me: Lord, what do you want me to write? Or speak? Or do?
Divine Mercy Chaplet said.
Lord God Almighty Father: It is right to make reparations. Few reparations are given, oh/and the torrent of grace(s) that could flow! I weep for My Children because of their loss. The graces not given/flowed! Little children, pray! Ask for My favors. Call out to Me in your dark night. I Am here. I Am.
Me: Lord, what do you want us to say or pray?
Lord God Almighty Father: Little child, you know the words. Start with the Our Father. Pray it from your heart. Pray it with sincerity. Pray for forgiveness. Make reparations to My Sacred/Immaculate Heart (His Heart combined with Mary’s). So many blasphemies today.
Me: I fear Your Face, Your Wrath for our many sins! I, let me, let us hide in Your Wounded Heart. What am I to do? My wounded Jesus. My loving Jesus.
Lord, I ask for your graces. Whatever graces you wish to bestow on me. If such be your will. I seek you in the silence.
I offer up so many…I ask for graces…
Lord God Almighty Father: Do not be anxious, child. My peace I give you.
Me: Thank you, Lord.
Lord God Almighty Father: Write of My Sorrow. My Heart is pierced by the lance. All humanity…if they but believe, repent and pray before their God… The path to My Wounded Heart is pointed out by My Mother. Her Heart grieves. Mine is pierced. Her tears blend with My Blood and Water, for Our Hearts are united in grief and love, in sorrow. For in the depths of sorrow, there is glory and, yes, joy. For rejoice! Your Savior so loved the world! This is the great joy and sorrow and glory. Praise be to God! Rejoice and be glad. Stay with me, daughter of Zion, prophet of mine.
Me: Lord why do you call me that?
Lord God Almighty Father: My daughter, like Jacob you too will learn your way. Do not fear.
Me: I am no good, Father. Only you are good. How is it you call me?
Lord God Almighty Father: Daughter. (Like He’s saying we’ve been over this, but said gently.) Daughter.
Me: Okay, sorry.
Fear not the tempest that comes by night. The wind will blow, but that is not Me. The wind will howl, but that is not Me. The storm dies, and a whisper will you hear. Then bend your knee in prayer and supplication. (Note: I wasn’t sure this last word or how to spell it?)
Me: What does that mean?
Lord God Almighty Father: Daughter of little faith! Grow!
Me: Lord, if you command it how can it do anything else?
Lord, please increase my faith in You. I love you.
Lord God Almighty Father: Go to confession. Give alms and thanksgiving. For I Am your God and will have none before Me. Tell My children I am a jealous God, and I am not pleased (angry sense) with the false idols of today. Repent and make reparations! Adore Me as Lord your God (Eucharistic Adoration). Have none before Me!
Repent and repair! Love My Mother and grieve with Her for this sinful generation.
Me: Please, Lord, have mercy on us.
Lord God Almighty Father: Tell My children to repent, repair and make sacrifices. Love one another as I have loved you. Be at peace, child. You must go. (I had an obligation to meet at that time; God’s timing is perfect.)
Me: Thank you, Lord.
December 31, 2023
*Just Released
(Note: A personal vision that took place after this first one for a specific individual is omitted in this version.)
Me: Yes, Lord?
I come to do your will. What do you want me to write?
Come, Holy Ghost. Come, Holy Ghost. Come, Holy Ghost. Let your Spirit fly into me and be my hands and let me to do your will.
Lord God Almighty Father: Child of mine, child of mine. Forgive those that harm you. Forgive your brothers and sisters their faults, for you too have many faults. Be mindful of others and their earthly and spiritual needs. Do not be consumed with self-pity even if you suffer. Offer it up to God.
Me: Spirit, I have and still the suffering is overwhelming me.
Lord God Almighty Father: The Cross. Contemplate the Cross.
Me: Okay.
Lord God Almighty Father: Servant of God, you will speak.
Me: Okay.
Lord God Almighty Father: See My Mother. She is to be honored and obeyed. Her will is mine. She will lead you to Me.
I see Mary on a golden throne dressed all in white with a gold crown on Her head. On her lap is Jesus, like the Infant of Prague but dressed all in white.
May God be praised.
Me: Mary, I am your little servant. What do you want of me?
Mary: Listen to My Son.
Jesus speaks:
The earth is being renewed. Do not be afraid. Your time is short.
Go drink some water. Then rest in My Arms.
Me: Thank you, Lord.
Jesus: Be at peace.
Personal note: *I wasn’t feeling well when called, suffering with a terrible migraine for the third day. I did as told, got some water and then imagined myself in Jesus’s Arms and laid down and rested. This vision followed. I didn’t write it down until afterwards.
I heard in the background, like angels chanting something like:
Kyrie Kyrie Kyrie Santos Dominus Deus
Infant Jesus: I shall renew the face of the earth.
The antichrist walks amongst you.
I see a green stripe like cloth used to denote ordinary time that moves quickly behind infant Jesus.
Jesus comes close and uses two fingers and makes the sign of the Cross over me.
My viewpoint changes. I am looking with infant Jesus down at the little globe in His Hand that is the earth.
I see the little globe Jesus holds covered in swirling smoke and blackness.
Then He moves it, kind of like gently shaking a snow globe, and it is cleansed by fire and smoke. It is like an eruption of fire that starts in one place that grows and causes further fires and destruction over the whole earth.
The Lord blows away the smoke and rubble and the earth is now a golden city in the palm of His Little Hand.
I asked how anyone is to survive this cleansing. I was told you have to be buried deep within His Immaculate/Sacred Heart (understood He meant His and Mary’s united Hearts simultaneously). It reminded me of how you’d take cover underground like in a basement during a tornado.
My note: I didn’t release this message until now because it included a second part for an individual, and I wanted to respect their privacy. I have gotten very few messages since this one, maybe because this one directs me to speak and not write? I’m not sure. However, on October 4th, 2024 I was directed to the Gospel reading for the day and to revisit this specific message. The Gospel reading is Luke 10: 13-16. So I figure I’ll share this much…sorry it’s taken me so long. Please pray for discernment as always!