✞ The three weapons to defeat disturbance.
Hi. I would like to share my Illumination Story with you.
It was in 1997 in Medjugorje in the month of May. It was my first visit there and I always had a desire to go to the place where the Mother of God was appearing! I couldn't believe that the Mother of God was coming to earth every day and I said to myself if She can come to us then I will go to Her. (But it did take 16 years to get there!)
I had been suffering from chronic fatigue for 12 years and was exhausted when I arrived in Medjugorje. For 3 days I felt totally out of place, that I didn't belong there. I could feel the Holiness of the place and I felt my unholiness in comparison. Nevertheless, I went along with the group and followed the itinerary.
On the Friday night there was a prayer meeting, and it was to be led by Ivan the visionary. I was reluctant to go as I thought a prayer meeting was with people singing and praying in tongues and I couldn't do those things. But the Mother of God was appearing and that was enough reason to go. I needn't have worried though. There was the continuous gentle recitation of the Rosary and gentle singing throughout the 2 hours in the moonlight.
Whilst I was sitting listening to the Rosary said in different languages, I suddenly found myself back 20 years in time. Jesus was beside me. I couldn't see Him, but I knew He was there. He showed me a sinful situation that I hadn't given a second thought to. I immediately felt and knew I had offended God. I was so sorry in my heart for what I had done and how offensive to God it was. Yes, this was my sin! No one elses. Then a fear came over me, but at the same time I could feel this tremendous love coming from Jesus. A love I had never felt before in my life, and I was saying “Jesus I trust in you”.
Just then everyone stood up. The Mother was appearing. I began to hear the Consecration of the Mass being said in my ear by a male voice which stopped when he said “Lord, I am not worthy to receive you. But only say the word and I shall be healed.” He said this 3 times.
I remembered the promises of the Divine Mercy Novena which I had just done at Easter. “Let no man fear to draw near me, even if his sins are scarlet. My Mercy is greater than your sins. Even if you had more sins than grains of sand.”
All your sins from birth are forgiven for doing the Novena and I truly believed that. I said to Jesus in my heart “I believe in you. I believe in your Mercy. I believe I'm forgiven.” I felt forgiven, and the new feeling of love was surrounding me.
That night I felt so happy. I didn't care about the chronic fatigue! It was friendship with God that I was missing all along and that was what I wanted now. I awoke during the night in peace, smiling to myself, and I began to feel a tingling sensation from my head to my feet. I knew I was being healed! That's how good our God is!
I know we are all going to get a review of Our whole life. I was shown one sin I didn't even think was a sin, but it was. Whatever Jesus shows you is a blessing! He wants you to be with Him in Heaven. Don't be afraid to Trust totally in Jesus and confess the sins you're shown. No matter how you might feel, confess them to a priest and get rid of the sins. Don't give the evil one a hold on you which he always wants. You will be stronger and happier after confessing. The illumination really is the greatest act of Love and Mercy this world will ever know.