The Book of Heaven
—Unofficial Version—

Volume 10

October 16, 1911

More threats of letting Italy be invaded by the foreigners; and Luisa becomes huffy with Jesus.

This morning, my always lovable Jesus threatened strongly to let Italy be invaded by foreign people; and I, getting huffy with Him, told Him: ‘You really want to be impertinent! You say You love me, and You don’t want to content me in anything. Bravo, Jesus! – is this the love You have for me?’

And Jesus: "To show you that I love you, for love of you I will spare your environment. Aren’t you happy?"

And I, crying out loudly: ‘No Lord, You cannot do this!’

And Jesus: "What is it? Are you becoming huffy?"

And I: ‘Yes, today I get huffy with You.’ And He disappeared. But I hope that He will placate Himself. Then, He seemed to be binding me so very tightly to Himself in order to make me do His Will.