✞ Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.
Returning, my all and always adorable Jesus told me: "My daughter, I am Love and I made the creatures all love. The nerves, the bones and the flesh are fabrics of love and, after I wove them with love, I made flow the blood in all their tiny particles, so as to cover them with a garment, in order to give them the life of love. Therefore, the creature is nothing other than a complex of love, and she does not move other than for love. At the most there can be varieties of love, but it is always for love that she moves. There can be Divine Love, love of self, love of creature, evil love, but always love; neither can she do otherwise, since her life is love; created by the Eternal Love, and therefore led to love by an irresistible force. So, after all, even in evil - in sin, for the creature there must be a love which has pushed her to do that evil.
Ah, my daughter! What is not my pain in seeing in the creatures the property of my Love which I delivered, being profaned and contaminated by a different use? In order to guard this Love which came out of Me, and which I gave to the creature, I remain around her like a poor beggar, and as the creature moves, palpitates, breathes, works, speaks and walks, I go begging everything from her; and I beg her, I implore her, I beseech her to give everything to Me, saying: ‘Daughter, I ask from you nothing other than what I gave you. It is for your own good; do not steal from me what is mine. The breath is mine, breathe only for Me; the heartbeat and the movement are mine, palpitate and move only for Me.’ And so on for all the rest.
But, with greatest pain, I am forced to see the heartbeat taking one way, the breath another; and I, poor beggar, remain with an empty stomach, while the love of self, of the creatures, and even of the passions remain stuffed. Can there a be a greater wrong than this?
My daughter, I want to pour out my Love and my pain with you; only one who loves Me can have compassion for Me."