✞ Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.
This morning, my always adorable Jesus seemed to come. I squeezed Him to my heart, and Jesus gave me a kiss; but as He was kissing me, I felt a most bitter liquid flow from His mouth into mine. I remained amazed in seeing that, without begging Him, sweet Jesus was pouring His bitternesses into me, while at other times I had begged Him so much and He didn’t concede that to me. Then, when I was filled with that most bitter liquid, Jesus continued to pour it. It spilled outside; it went on the ground, and He still kept pouring, in such a way that a lake of that most bitter liquid was formed around me and blessed Jesus.
Afterwards, as if He felt relieved a little, He told me: "Daughter, have you seen how many bitternesses the creatures give Me? So much that, unable to contain them any longer, I wanted to pour them into you. But you could not contain them either; so they went on the ground, and they will pour upon the people."
While He was saying this, He marked the various points and towns which had to be stricken by the invasions of strangers - some people were running away, some remained naked and starved, some mixed-up, some killed. Horror and fright were everywhere. Jesus Himself wanted to withdraw His glance from such tragedy. Frightened and terrorized I wanted to prevent Jesus from doing this, but He seemed unshakable; and told me: "My daughter, the Divine Justice is pouring their own bitternesses down upon them. I wanted to pour them in you first, in order to spare some points to make you content; then I poured the rest upon them. My Justice demands Its satisfaction."
And I: ‘My Love and my Life, I don’t know much about Justice; if I pray to You, it is for Mercy. I make appeal to your Love, to your wounds, to your Blood. After all, they are still your children, your dear images. Poor brothers of mine, what can they do? In what constraints will they be placed? To make me content, You tell me that You poured into Me, but the points that You save are too few.’ And He: "On the contrary, it’s too much. It is because I love you, otherwise I would have spared nothing. And even then, didn’t you see that you could not contain any more of it?"
I burst into tears, and I said: ‘Yet, You tell me that You love me. Where is all this love that You have for me? True love knows how to make the beloved one content in everything. And then, why don’t You make me larger, so that I can contain more bitterness and spare my brothers?’ Jesus cried with me, and disappeared.