✞ The fruit and the purpose of Communion.
As I was in my usual state, my always adorable Jesus, while remaining hidden, wants me all intent on Him, to plead continuously for my brothers. So, while I was praying and crying for the salvation of the poor combatants, wanting to cling to Jesus so as to implore Him that none of them be lost, I arrived at the point of saying nonsense to Him. Although mute, Jesus seemed to be pleased with my petitions, and willing to concede what I wanted. But a thought came into my mind: that I should think about my own salvation.
Jesus told me: "My daughter, as you were thinking of yourself, you produced a human sensation, and my Will, fully Divine, noticed it. In my Will all human actions turn into love for Me and for the other. In the soul who lives in this way there is nothing of her own, because she contains only my Will which contains all possible goods within Itself. So, if she contains them, why should she ask Me for them? Isn’t it rather fair that she take care of praying for those who do not have those goods? Ah, if you knew what calamities miserable humanity will go through, you would be more active in my Will, on their behalf!" And while He was saying this, He showed me all the evils that masons are plotting.