✞ Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.
While praying, I was thinking about that moment in which Jesus leaves His Most Holy Mother to go and suffer His Passion. I said to myself: ‘How is it possible that Jesus could separate Himself from His dear Mama, and She from Jesus?’ Blessed Jesus told me: "My daughter, surely there could not be separation between Me and my sweet Mama. The separation was only apparent. She and I were fused together, and the fusion was so great that I remained with Her, while She came with Me. One can say that there was a sort of bilocation. This happens also to the souls when they are truly united with Me. If, while praying, they let prayer enter into their souls as life, a sort of fusion and bilocation occurs: I bring them with Me, wherever I am, and I remain with them.
My daughter, you cannot comprehend well what my beloved Mama was for Me. Coming upon earth, I could not be without Heaven, so my Heaven was my Mama. Electricity would flow between Us, such that my Mother had not a thought, which She did not draw from my mind. This drawing from Me of word, will, desire, action, step - in sum, of everything - formed the Sun, the stars, the moon in this Heaven, together with all the possible delights that a creature can give Me, and that she herself can enjoy. Oh, how I delighted in this Heaven! Oh, how I felt relieved and repaid for everything! Even the kisses that my Mama gave Me enclosed the kiss of all humanity, returning to Me the kiss of all creatures.
I felt my sweet Mama everywhere. I felt Her in my breath. If it was labored, She would release it. I felt Her in my Heart. If It was embittered, She would sweeten It. I felt Her in my step. If it was tired, She would give Me strength and rest... Who can tell you how much I felt Her in my Passion? I felt Her at every scourging, at every thorn, at every wound, at every drop of my Blood - everywhere, fulfilling Her office of true Mother. Ah, if souls reciprocated Me, if they drew everything from Me - how many Heavens and Mothers would I have on earth!"