✞ Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.
Continuing in my affliction, I was saying to myself: ‘I no longer recognize myself! Sweet Life of mine, where are You? What should I do to find you again? Without You, my Love, I cannot find the Beauty that embellishes me, the Fortitude that strengthens me, the Life that vivifies me. I lack everything - everything is death for me. Without you, life itself is more harrowing than any death. Ah, it is a continual death! Come, O Jesus, I cannot take it any more! Oh supreme Light, come - don’t make me wait any more! You let me feel the touch of your hands and then, as I try to grab You, You run away from me. You let me see your shadow, and as I try to look at the majesty in the shadow - the beauty of my Sun Jesus - I lose both shadow and Sun. Please, mercy! My heart is shredded, lacerated into pieces - I cannot live any more. Ah, if I could at least die!’
As I was saying this, my always adorable Jesus came and told me: "My daughter, I am here, inside of you. If you want to recognize yourself, come into Me, to recognize yourself inside of Me. If you come to recognize yourself in Me, you will put yourself in order, because in Me you will find your image, made by Me and similar to Me. You will find everything that is needed to preserve and embellish this image. As you come to recognize yourself in Me, you will also recognize your neighbor in Me; and in seeing how I love you and the other, you will rise to the degree of true Divine Love. Everything, inside and outside of you, will take on the true order - Divine order.
But if you want to recognize yourself inside of yourself, first, you won’t really recognize yourself because you will lack Divine light; second, you will find all things in disorder, clashing with themselves: misery, weakness, darkness, passions, and all the rest. You will find all these things in disorder, inside and outside of yourself, trying to make war not only with you, but also with themselves to see which one can hurt you the most. And you - imagine in what order they will put your neighbor toward yourself.
Not only do I want you to recognize yourself in Me but, if you want to remember yourself, you must come and do it in Me; otherwise, if you try to remember yourself without Me, you will do more harm than good."