The Book of Heaven
—Unofficial Version—

Volume 12

April 12, 1918

The soul must lean within Jesus.

Finding myself in my usual state, I felt an extreme need of Jesus, and of leaning all of myself within Him. And my sweet Jesus came and told me: "My daughter, lean yourself completely within Me. You will find Me always ready - you will never lack Me. Even more, the more you lean within Me, the more I will pour Myself into you. And since many times I feel the need to lean, I will come to you and I will lean within you, using my own support, which I have formed in you. And when I see that you despise the support of creatures, I will love you twice as much, and I will redouble my support."

Then He added: "When the soul does everything to please Me, to love Me and to live at the expense of my Will, she becomes like a member of my Body; and I glory in these members as if they were my own. Otherwise, they would be like members dislocated from Me, which give Me pain - and not only to Me, but to themselves and to their neighbor. These are members which spurt a purulent material, such as to infect and to dry up even the good that they do."