✞ Signs to know whether the soul is in Grace.
During these past days I had put nothing on paper of what Jesus had told me. I felt such listlessness; and Jesus, in coming, told me: "My daughter, why don’t you write? My word is light, and just as the sun shines in every eye, in such a way that all of them have sufficient light for all their needs, each one of my words is more than a sun, which can be light sufficient to illuminate any mind and to warm each heart. Each word of Mine is a sun that comes out from Me; now it serves you, but as you write it, it will serve others. If you do not write, you suffocate this sun within Me, preventing the outpouring of my Love and all the good that a sun could do."
And I: ‘Ah, my Jesus, who is going to calculate on paper the words that You tell me?’ And He: "This is not up to you to say, but to Me. And even if they are not calculated - which will not be - the many suns of my words will rise majestically, placing themselves for the good of all. On the other hand, by not writing, you would prevent the sun from rising, and you would cause great harm. If anyone could prevent the sun from rising on the blue heavens, how much harm would he not cause to the earth? That one, to nature - and you, to souls. And then, it is the glory of the sun to shine majestically, and to carry, as though in its hands, the earth and everyone, with its light; the harm is for those who do not take advantage of it. The same will happen with the sun of my words: it will be my glory to make rise as many different enchanting and beautiful suns for as many words as I say; the harm will be for those who do not take advantage of it."