✞ Signs to know whether the soul is in Grace.
I was very afflicted and almost concerned about my poor state, and Jesus, wanting to distract me from thinking about myself, told me: "My daughter, what are you doing? The thought of yourself makes you go out of my Will. Don’t you know that the Divine Life lasts in you as long as my Will is in you, and that as soon as my Will ceases, the Divine Life also ceases, and you take back your human life? Fine exchange you make! The same happens with obedience. As long as there is obedience, the life of the one who commanded lasts in the one who obeys; as soon as obedience ceases, one takes back his own life."
Then, as though sighing, He added: "Ah, you do not know the ruin the world will become! All that has happened until now can be called a game, compared to the chastisements which are coming. I do not show all of them to you so as not to oppress you too much; and I, in seeing the obstinacy of man, remain as though hiding within you. And you, pray together with Me, and do not want to think about yourself."