✞ Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.
Continuing in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus came with enchanting majesty and love, and showed me all generations, from the first to the last man, and each of them was bound and tied to my sweet Jesus. The bond was such that it seemed to multiply for each creature, in such a way that each one had Him for herself alone, and that Jesus gave each Life of His to suffer any pain and death which each one should suffer, so as to be able to say to the Celestial Father: "My Father, in each creature You will have as many of Myself, who will give You, for each one, that which everyone owes You." While I was seeing this, my sweet Jesus told me: "My daughter, do you also want to accept the bond with each being, so that there may be no dissimilarity between Me and you?"
I don’t know how, I felt as if the weight of all were leaning on my shoulders. I saw my unworthiness and weakness, and I felt such repugnance as to feel faint, to the point that blessed Jesus, having compassion for me, took me in His arms and pressed me to His Heart, letting me place my mouth at the opening of the wound that pierced Him, telling me: "Drink, my daughter, the Blood which gushes forth from this wound, that you may receive the strength that you lack. Courage, do not fear, I will be with you. We will share all the weight, the work, the pains and the deaths. This is why I tell you, ‘be attentive and faithful’ - because my Grace wants correspondence; otherwise, it takes nothing to go down. What does it take to open and to close one’s eyes? It takes nothing. Yet, see the great good of keeping them opened, and the great harm of keeping them closed. By keeping them opened, the eyes are filled with light - with the Sun; and with this light the hand can work, the foot can walk safely and without stumbling; one can distinguish objects, whether they are good or bad; one can reorder things, read, write... Now, what does it take to lose all this good? Closing one’s eyes! – and then the hand cannot work, the foot cannot walk, and if it does, it is subject to stumbling; one can no longer distinguish objects; he reduces himself to inability... Such is the correspondence: nothing but opening the eyes of the soul. And as one opens them, light comes to the mind, my image is reflected in all that she does, copying Me faithfully; in such a way that she does nothing but receive continuous light from Me, so as to convert all of her being into light. On the other hand, lack of correspondence plunges the soul into darkness, and renders her inactive."